攝影藝術--攝影師Luca Tombolini作品LS VII
攝影師Luca Tombolini在創作第十個系列景觀攝影作品的過程中,游歷了美國的西部土地。他像往常一樣尋找與大地的關聯,并發現了自然的威嚴和靈性與當代社會的價值觀念之間存在的差異。回顧歷史長河,不難察覺人類與自然往往都是格格不入的。這不只是一個地方的文化問題,同時也讓攝影師思考了更多人與大地之間的關系:在人類對生命起源和宇宙寥寥可數的認知中,思考這個問題不僅僅是為了解決環境上的難題,而是為了最終能夠賦予人類自身存在一個意義,來拯救人類自己。
In this tenth chapter of my bigger project about landscape studies, I visited United States’s west. Seeking as usual a connection with the land I found a clashing difference between the majesty and spirituality of the sceneries and the values of contemporary society. Looking back at historic facts it was easy to see how little the newcomers had embraced the land’s spirituality. The questions raised aren’t just a local culture matter but they made me think even more about which relationship should modern man adopt with the place that generated himself, through the mystery of origin of Life and the still-blank page that the understanding of the Cosmos is, in order not just to address environmental problems but ultimately to save himself by giving a meaning to his own existence.
下面我們一起來欣賞攝影師Luca Tombolini的第7個系列的攝影作品。
During the summer of 1941 these white limestone hills saw the massacre of between 4000 to 10000 people, the exact number is uncertain. It’s Slana concentration camp, on Pag island, Croatia.
囚犯被處決或死于疲憊之后,他們的尸體在墓地里被堆的很高或者直接扔入海里。這份文檔來自于為集中營消毒的Santo Stazzi中尉,在1941年9月集中營關閉的時候,為我們講述了這個令人感到恐懼、殘忍的故事。
The prisoners corpses were piled high in mass graves or thrown into the sea after they had been executed or had died by exhaustion. This document from lieutenant Santo Stazzi, who took charge of the disinfection of the camp when it closed down in September 1941 tells a story of brutality, fear and annihilation。
I’ve spent a lot of time walking on this peninsula: sharp stones, heat, the glare of white reflection, thirst, silence, peace.
Time stands still when I'm there, the place radiates serenity and what happened only a few decades ago is inconceivable. But its presence is around; still, at night you breathe quietly and stare into the void. This is what they saw.
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