攝影藝術--鹿特丹攝影師兼電影制片人Armand Dijcks的光畫
這是鹿特丹攝影師兼電影制片人Armand Dijcks的作品。圖像都來自熟悉的物體,也許是一把椅子,也許是廚房水龍頭,也許是一件衣服,使用攝像機動態拍攝,最后得到一個新的,意想不到的畫面。這也正是Dijcks所探索的拉伸時間出現不同層面的事實以及瞬間化所忽略的。
"Lightscapes" by Rotterdam photographer and film maker Armand Dijcks literally captures time in motion. Images are of familiar items — a chair, kitchen mixer or piece of clothing — transformed into something new and unexpected using Intentional Camera Movement (ICM) photography. Through this series Dijcks is exploring different layers of reality by stretching time to see what is there but not obvious at first glance.
"It makes you look at the world around you in a completely different, less literal way," he says. "It's like revealing a hidden world below the visible surface — a parallel world that exists on a different time scale — and it changes every time you catch a glimpse of it."
Dijcks is no stranger to creating images that play with time, having already created several short films using intentional movement and motion that get the viewer to stop and take a good look at what they're seeing.
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